Monday, May 12, 2008

The Torah of "Pan y Toráh"

We've had a blog entry already (March 31) about bread baking in Valparaíso, the "pan" part of our "Pan y Toráh" (Bread and Torah) actividades. But what about the Torah part?
Linda has been working - very slowly but steadily - on writing Torah panels.

She gave a powerpoint slide presentation in April to the Max Nordau sinagoga community on "El Mundo de Safrut" (The World of Scribal Arts). She has also given lessons to two aspiring scribes, which in turn has provided her with the opportunity to practice her Spanish in a whole new way.


She is currently teaching a weekly course in beginning Hebrew at the sinagoga, using her book Aleph Isn't Tough, which is a bit tougher when it's taught in Spanish. This has provided Linda with an opportunity to learn vocabulary words she might never have otherwise needed, such as: vocales, consonantes, sílabas, prefijos and sufijos.

And we just had the opportunity to closely examine with Rabino Roberto Feldmann the three beautiful Torah scrolls in the ark at the Max Nordau synagogue, one of which is the first Torah scroll in Chile and dates back to the founding of the sinagoga.

Linda discussed with Rabino Roberto the condition of the scrolls and possible options for some repairs.